weird adjective

Definition of weird
1: of strange or extraordinary character: ODD, FANTASTIC
2: of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural: MAGICAL

weird noun

especially: ill fortune

Weird Side

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Gérard Encausse: Unveiling the Legacy of Papus in Occultism

Gérard Encausse, better known by his pseudonym Papus, stands as a towering figure in the realm of occultism, leaving behind a legacy that continues to captivate seekers of esoteric knowledge. Born in 1865, Papus was a man of many talents—a physician, hypnotist, and author—but it was his deep immersion in the mysteries of the occult that truly defined his life’s work.

Papus was a prolific writer, penning numerous books on topics ranging from astrology and tarot to theurgy and spiritualism. His most famous work, “The Tarot of the Bohemians,” remains a cornerstone of tarot literature, offering profound insights into the symbolic language of the cards and their esoteric significance.

Beyond his literary contributions, Papus was instrumental in reviving interest in esoteric societies, most notably the Martinist Order and the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. These organizations provided a framework for spiritual seekers to explore the deeper dimensions of existence and cultivate their inner wisdom.

Central to Papus’s teachings was the belief in the interconnectedness of all things—a holistic worldview that embraced both the spiritual and material realms. He advocated for a synthesis of science and spirituality, recognizing the inherent unity underlying seemingly disparate phenomena.

Papus’s influence extended far beyond his own lifetime, inspiring generations of occultists, mystics, and spiritual seekers. His legacy continues to endure, resonating with those who are drawn to the profound mysteries of the universe and the eternal quest for enlightenment.

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side – noun 

1: a position that is opposite to or contrasted with another
two sides to every question
2: a line of descent traced through one’s parent
grandfather on his mother’s side

3: an aspect or part of something contrasted with some other real or implied aspect or part
the better side of his nature